$100 Million Advice You Can Afford


The CEO pay rankings are out. Last year, Elon Musk from Tesla made almost $2.3 billion. The head of Discovery made $129 million. Two executives from Oracle both earned $108 million. 

According to The New York Times, in 2018, top bosses’ salaries grew at double the pace of ordinary wages. The medium raise for CEOs was 6.3% (or over $1 million) while the average private-sector worker received a 3.2% raise, or an extra 84 cents per hour.  

We don’t begrudge large payouts to smart, successful CEOs. In fact, we have supported many of them over the years. However, most companies simply cannot afford this level of compensation — yet many can still benefit from exceptional C-level advice and extraordinary marketing/communications support. 

That’s why we built Rung-UP: the first C2C agency. 

At Rung-UP, we work with C-level executives at mid-sized organizations to turn-around performance, transform their operations, and/or catapult revenues by leveraging years of C-level experience. We understand the challenges facing C-level executives and deliver creative solutions to complex problems.

During our four-year history, we have succeeded at this many times – without charging our clients untold millions. 

Great advice doesn’t need to cost an arm and a leg. 

If you wanna have a quick conversation with us about driving your business forward, feel free to email us at Hi@Rung-UP.com.

Lawrence M. Kimmel is CEO of Rung-UP, the first agency custom built for C-Level executives at mid-sized organizations.

Frank Yin